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Gayle Desmeules, President/CEO, True Dialogue Inc., earned a Master of Arts in Leadership and Training, holds a Q. Med, and is a member of the ADR Institute of Alberta and Canada. Métis and actively engaged in TRC Calls to Action. She mediates and facilitates restorative resolution processes in response to conflicts and misconduct. Instructor for the International Institute for Restorative Practices and the Alberta Restorative Justice Association. Provides family group conferencing training to social workers and facilitators. Served on the Expert Panel for the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada to inform recommendations on designing and implementing a Restorative Engagement Program for Federal Public Service employees to build healthy workplace cultures through restorative engagement. 

Listen to the IIRP's podcast, Restorative Works! 

Gloria Brathwaite specializes in applying restorative practices to address various issues. Certified as a Social Worker and a trained Restorative Justice Facilitator, Gloria also holds a certification in Communication-Alternative Dispute Resolution. Guided by curiosity, research, and a genuine desire to engage meaningfully, Gloria ensures her strategies remain innovative and aligned with evolving needs. She recognizes the importance of healing and restoring relationships on both individual and societal levels. A dynamic and compassionate professional, Gloria brings a unique blend of expertise, empathy and strategic vision to her work in restorative practices.

Cora Martin earned a Bachelor of Arts from MacEwan University and has completed the ADRIC Accredited Course, Bear Paw Peacemaking - Mediation Training Certificate Program, ADR International Group Inc. A trained Facilitator with work experience in Family Provincial Court, she specializes in family-related conflict resolution. As a Metis woman, she is keenly interested in Restorative Justice and Human Rights. With a strong knowledge of the Provincial Court process and training in interest-based mediation, she is deeply committed to supporting people through relational disharmony.

True Dialogue incorporates a relational human-centric approach to practice described in the following:


People naturally possess a strong sense of justice in a relational context. When we are treated in ways that we believe to be unfair or disrespectful, we feel we have been treated unjustly.


Justice is not only defined by law; human beings view every relationship in their lives as either just or unjust. Any relationship (student-teacher, parent-child, employer-employee, agency-client, nation to nation) seen as unfair elicits negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and distrust, which can motivate people to take action to correct the imbalance or injustice.


True Dialogue is skilled at offering mediation and restorative justice services to address conflicts and tensions by addressing relational imbalances and helping parties reclaim healthy relationships.


True Dialogue Inc. - Restorative Resolution Services 

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